Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Chuck Norris.

Hello, readers. It's me, Sickly. You know, the sneezing and coughing one who drivels on and on about nothing and then posts photos about said nothingness. Well today, my friends, I've got another nothingness post for you. First, I'll gross you out by telling you I'm carrying with me a box of tissues and a grocery sack. Why the sack? For the used ones, of course. My nose glows so brightly I could guide a sleigh. Rest assured it's just a bad cold and not the flu. I'll get better with time. And Z-pak. I hope. Please pray for me.* I know you will.

And now on to the fun part of my post: Rafi's new t-shirt acquisition. Check it out. I hear it was a hit at the office.
*Footnote: I say this in a joking matter. If you are the praying type, please use your power of prayer for something greater than the easing of my pitiful suffering, like world peace, food for the poor, or my winning lotto ticket.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Frequent houseguest.

Hello, headache.

Nice for you to visit again. I love it when you wake me up during the night every hour on the hour. I love how my brow lines get deeper and deeper with each of your visits. Oh! And how fabulous you make me look walking around with my fingers pinching my nose, pushing on my cheekbones and temples! The clenching of my jaws add to the effect. Sometimes a pair of sunglasses are thrown in. That's when I feel your aura the most.

In summary, I wanted to say how much I missed you, as it's only been two days since you visited last. You must really miss me a lot to visit that often. Forgive me for not having made the guest room for you (but then again you've already invited yourself into MY bed).

Love, your host Jodi


Saturday, September 12, 2009

So posh...

I was taking some self-portraits while expirementing with my camera's ISO settings and made an amazing discovery. I kinda-sorta-if-you-squint-real-hard-and-fully-desaturate-the-photo look like Victoria Beckham (that's Posh Spice for us non-Brits). Only I don't think she gets monstrous unicorn pimples like I do. Just ignore that part. Plus I probably weigh 75 pounds more.

And when did my nose become so bulbous?


Monday, September 07, 2009

Neat-o lunch cube.

So tonight as I was packing Mateo's lunch for his first day of school tomorrow (I'll post more on that tomorrow, I'm sure), I got to thinking about all the really neat products they make these days. As I've written before, I'm always looking for ways to eliminate waste in this house. Plastic freezer and sandwich bags are the one habit I seem to have a hard time kicking; however, I won't have to worry about that with Mateo's lunch!

Check out this neat lunch box, the Colorful Klip-It Lunch Cube. It's easy to unlatch - even for a two year old. It keeps things separate and folds into a compact cube. Mateo picked out the green one. As shown in the photos, inside I easily packed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (that's supposed to be a dinosaur, by the way), some almonds, a cheese stick, napkin, and a spoon. (The spoon is for a can of fruit that is in his insulated lunch carrier.) Wheee!! I just love little folding boxes!

I can't wait to see how my little man's first day at his new school goes!

Oh, and if you're wondering, we purchased it at The Container Store (my Garden of Eden).


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Donations will be accepted.

I can't sew. Really, I've tried. I earned a B in sewing class in high school. (For reference I was an A student.) I made a pair of boxers - billowy, floral print, open fly boxers with a terribly sewn elastic waist. And let us not forget the dress I tried to make with my mom. The cutting went fine, but once I had to pin the fabric to the pattern with what I'm sure was three trillion pins, I was out. My goodness that dress was bad. Just think "Little House on the Prairie" for a good mental picture.

But now, now is different. I'm older and wiser now, right? I walk through craft stores and eye fabulous fabrics imagining into what I could fashion them... if only I could sew. Outdoor drapes. Indoor drapes. Pirate costume. Duvet cover. Simple skirts. Last year I ended up sewing Mateo's skeleton costume by hand. (This was after trying to unsuccessfully use fabric glue and melting my felt bones, but that's besides the point.)

So what I need is this baby:

It's computerized, has pre-programmed stitches, and most importantly, has a needle-threading system. I'm not sure what all that means, but I really stunk at threading needles, so a "system" must be helpful, right?

Mind you, I'm more than willing to take a class to learn to use it properly. I'll read the manual, too. Just think of all the stuff I could sew. Just don't ask me to make boxers.


Saturday, April 14, 2007

Me likey!

Okay, so anyone who would like to REALLY go crazy with their gift giving to me should keep this watch in mind. LOVING IT! :-D
