Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Snow in Austin!

Today we had nearly a full day of snow in Austin. It was awesome. The flakes were huge and fat and fell heavy from the sky.

So she wouldn't miss out on the snow while she was traveling, I took some pictures across the street at my neighbor Deanna's house. Her desert century plant presents quite a juxtaposition to the snow.

Here's the field across the street from our house.

The dogs enjoyed the snow, too.

So did Mateo. We made a snowman. He has peanut butter pretzel eyes and a baby carrot nose. He's a little grassy, but we like him.

I offered "snow ice cream" to Mateo, scooping some fresh snow from the hammock, but he got completely grossed out yelling "yucky yucky yucky!" when I took a bite. Boys... *rolling eyes*

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Friday, December 04, 2009

Snow in Austin.

Well, we had quite a blizzard today in Austin. I worried I might have to break out the snow shovel, but then again I got excited about the prospect of snowboarding. Oh, who am I kidding. We got very light flurries for all of ten minutes. Then the sun was out bright and shining.

Mateo was very excited. And no, he's not wearing a hat, but I was just happy he would wear his coat. Usually this is a battle.

A milk mustache goes well with snowflakes, don't you think?


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March Hail Storm

Who knew that hail could total a BMW? The windshield was spidered all over, which was lucky considering many people in Rafi's work parking lot had their windshields completely shattered or with softball sized holes in them. Every body panel looks as if someone attacked it with a baseball bat.
