Monday, January 11, 2010

Goals for 2010.

As you may have seen on the right side of the screen, I have a few goals for 2010. I hesitate to call them resolutions, as I want to make them more attainable.

1. Spend Less. This is pretty self explanatory. I want to be better about those itty bitty purchases that seem to sneak up on me. In general I am not a huge spender, but I can find more ways to make what I do spend go farther.

2. Explore culinarily. I've learned, finally, that I really do like to cook. And I enjoy tasting new things. I may not like everything I taste, but at least I tried, right? I have an itch to fry an entire fish, eyeballs and all, at home. I want to experiment with new cooking methods and ingredients. Rafi and I discussed making something new each month together. Sounds like future blog posts, no?

3. Practice moderation. Being all or nothing for most of my life is starting to wear me out. I want to practice moderation, especially when it comes to diet. I need to learn that I can eat heathily but still splurge now and then, too. I can be active without running a marathon. I can throw a birthday party without over doing. I can give a present without the pressure that it has to be perfect. Good enough should be good enough when it comes to cleaning my house. See where I'm going with this?

4. Make a vacation home plan. This will be a lengthy project; it's nothing we can afford to do now. But it'll be a nice project for Rafi and I to work together on, dream about, work towards. And how neat would that be to invite friends and family to our mountain home in Panama for New Year's Eve, 2020? That's our goal.

5. Say "no." Too often we moms (dads, too) become "stuckees." When there's a task to be handled, and no one else will do it, the stuckee gets it. That's usually me. I feel I must say yes unless I have a really good excuse, and even then I'll try to fit it in somehow just to make others happy. I'm beginning to realize that I don't need to justify my choices so often. Sometimes I'm just to busy to take something on. Sometimes I just don't want to. And sadly, there is some truth to "no good deed goes unpunished." I want to be more selective about what I choose to do.

Those are my top five goals. I have some other goals (potty-training Mat and reversing his "picky eater" syndrome, starting our spring garden and a few other home projects, reading more books, ridding our house of non-essential items, etc.), but those are for future posts.



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