Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bits and pieces.

In keeping with the Halloween themed posts, I thought I'd post some shots of our decor.

Here's the inside.

This guy is my new favorite. I think he looks very happy.

And here's the outside (backyard).

We actually had more decorations than that, but that's all I managed to photograph. You already saw our pumpkins. In the front yard we also had some purple lights lighting the walkway and some bone lights around the door. You might wonder why I'm bothering to tell you this. Well, it's because I never remember from year to year what we do, so this is my way of documenting it. Alas, this year we did not resurrect the huge yard spider. It was asked about, though, so we'll see if we can make it happen again next year. That thing is huge and requires a lot of work.



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