Monday, September 07, 2009

Neat-o lunch cube.

So tonight as I was packing Mateo's lunch for his first day of school tomorrow (I'll post more on that tomorrow, I'm sure), I got to thinking about all the really neat products they make these days. As I've written before, I'm always looking for ways to eliminate waste in this house. Plastic freezer and sandwich bags are the one habit I seem to have a hard time kicking; however, I won't have to worry about that with Mateo's lunch!

Check out this neat lunch box, the Colorful Klip-It Lunch Cube. It's easy to unlatch - even for a two year old. It keeps things separate and folds into a compact cube. Mateo picked out the green one. As shown in the photos, inside I easily packed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (that's supposed to be a dinosaur, by the way), some almonds, a cheese stick, napkin, and a spoon. (The spoon is for a can of fruit that is in his insulated lunch carrier.) Wheee!! I just love little folding boxes!

I can't wait to see how my little man's first day at his new school goes!

Oh, and if you're wondering, we purchased it at The Container Store (my Garden of Eden).



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