Thursday, April 23, 2009

Growing garden.

The garden has been growing nicely. We're still having issues with pill bugs eating the strawberries. I have a shallow dish of beer among the strawberry plants that seems to help, but those guys just wait for me to forget to refill it.

The onions are looking great. We should be set with onions for a good while once they're harvested and dried. I need to build a drying rack for them.

The tomatoes are staying strong despite the odd freezes we've had. We also have some peppers growing. I have high hopes for lots of salsa this summer - can't get any more homemade than that! My herbs are all doing well. I planted more basil. I seem to use that frequently. I use my cilantro all the time. I doubt I'll end up using my lavender though. The carrots are looking nice, too, even though I didn't have the heart to thin them. I don't like playing God. :)

The flowers in our yard are all abloom. I still wish I could keep a fern alive. Every few years or so I give it another shot. Well, I failed again this year. Sorry, fern. I'll keep watering you just in case.



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