Monday, August 27, 2007

Six Months Old!

Today was a very busy day! This morning Mateo had his six month wellness check, which means one thing - shots! Not to worry, though; he took them like the champ he is. :) Here's a rundown of his stats.
Height: 25.25 inches (15%ile)
Weight: 15 lbs. 13 oz. (20%ile)
Milestones: Brings hands together, sits mostly unassisted, rolls over, pushes up on arms, scoots backward, babbles, spits, loves the mirror, reaches for his mommy, holds own bottle, eats simple veggies and fruits and cereals, laughs at peek-a-boo and at his daddy!
One interesting thing that he's been doing for several months is "thumbing" things, as you can see in this 6 month photo. Pretty much anything around him he'll thumb before picking it up. Not sure if this is worrisome or just cute!

This afternoon we had a playdate with one of his friends at Barnes and Noble (where the mommies can have Starbucks!). His friend Shayne is a chubby, giggly, cutie ball of baby. Meanwhile Mat is very serious about his "work" when he shakes the rattle. They do regard each other well, which is nice. Shayne's mom is a 6th grade science teacher like me! (And oddly enough she's part Panamanian! Crazy, right?)

This evening we broke in the jogger stroller that Victor, Marco, Pilar, Karina, and Ringo gave us. It works well - put him right to sleep! I just started training for a half-marathon coming in February. With all this extra baby weight (30 pounds!) I opted to just do the half this year to save my knees. Plus it takes less time to train for it. I'm using Round Rock Fit again. It's a great program. I even persuaded a few teacher friends to give it a shot. My neighbor/friend Deanna is doing it, too! My motives are different this time - I have no time goals, I'm open to walking, and I just want to use this opportunity to get fit again. So stay tuned - hopefully you'll be seeing less of me! :)

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Anonymous Kassie said...

My 4 month old outweighs and is taller than your 6 month old. :p You have a lil pipsqueak on your hands...

He's super-cute...

11:59 PM  
Anonymous Honey said...

He's adorable and such a good-natured baby. Very pleasant to be around. How wonderful that he holds his bottle! Mine never did. :P

5:16 AM  

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