Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Endless summer...

No, really, I mean this is beginning to look like an endless summer - I have been that bored. Now I bet some of you might be thinking "gee, give ME a summer of practically no work and see if I complain!" Well, maybe, but I'm also bringing in minimum income, and while I may have free time, all of my friends are working! Blah! I have yet to convince Tina to quit her job so she can hang out at the pool with me. ;-) I've been working on my "tan." hehe...

Since my last book update I've finished Skinny Dipping, a book about a woman whose husband attempts to murder her by throwing her overboard a cruise ship, and I'm now working on Stones from the River. It's about a young dwarf girl who grows up in Germany during the 1920's. I'm not very far into it yet, so I have no opinion so far. Oh, I've also been playing "Brain Age" and "Big Brain Academy" on Nintendo DS. (That's the "carry-around" thing from Nintendo that's like a GameBoy.) It's pretty addictive and has launched some competitiveness between a few of us.

Wow. My summer is SO packed that that's about all I have to write about. Well, I *do* have something to write about, but I've been sworn to secrecy by Deanna and Tina. So you'll just have to use your imagination about last week. Cheese!!

Speaking of, today is Tina's birthday - Happy Birthday, Tina!! I'll try to return from dinner with some birthday photos.

I'm out.



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